Nobody lives a perfect life

The perfect life only comes true in dreams, a make-believe reality. And the next best thing we can do with our life is to accept our imperfections and make the most out of it. Life is short so live it to the fullest.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Down with Love Fever

Down with Love
I fell in love with Jerry Yan AGAIN!!!!

I just finished watching Down with Love, a Taiwanese drama which stars Jerry Yan (Xiang Yu Ping) and Ella Chen (Yang Guo). 

Xiang Yu Ping is a lawyer who has taken on the responsibility of taking care of his niece and nephew ever since his brother, the father of the two kids, died. Unfortunately, he can't give them his full attention because of his job. Yes, he hired nannies but unfortunately, none of them lasted because of two reasons. One, the nanny can't last taking care of the two kids because they really find ways to make the nanny quit by playing tricks on her. The second reason is that majority of them fall in love with him.

And so he decided to look for a nanny who won't fall in love with him. Yang Duo (played by Kelly Huang), his secretary then volunteers her sister, Yang Guo, to take on the job, telling Yu Ping that her sister is a lesbian. This is where the complications start. 

Unfortunately, Yang Guo does develop feelings for Yu Ping but doesn't dare let it show, if she can help it, because of the contract they have. The contract says that Yang Guo and Yand Duo will pay Yu Ping ten times the salary she's getting if Yang Guo falls in love with him. Aside from that, there's the presence of Ding Hui Fan (played  by Chen Zi Han), Yu Ping's ex-girlfriend who desperately wants to have him back.

Yu Ping and Yang Guo have a dog-cat relationship and eventually, Yu Ping feels that he has fallen in love with Yang Guo. But he, too, does not dare say anything because he can't accept the fact that he has fallen in love with a lesbian. 

A series of events led to Yang Guo being the girlfriend of Yu Ping's bestfriend, Qi Ze Khong (played by Michael Zhang). Initially, it was an act only on the part of Ze Khong in order to help Hui Fan get Yu Ping back. Ze Khong, at that time, is still pretty much in love with Hui Fan, who was his girlfriend before she broke up with him to be with Yu Ping. But the act becomes real when Ze Khong finds himself falling in love with Yang Guo. Unfortunately, when he realized that this is happening already, Yang Guo finds out about the act he and Hui Fang planned. And this is where the kilig part comes, Yu Ping takes his chance to woo Yang Guo. Eventually, Yang Guo becomes Yu Ping's girlfriend. And because Yu Ping loves Yang Guo sooooo much, he proposes to her. Happy ending for everyone. :)

This drama is a modern Cinderella story. It made me laugh, it made me kilig so many times, and even if this is a purely fictional story, I can't help but believe in the true power of love. And yes, this is already the emo side of me speaking. If only there are a lot of Xiang Yu Pings in the world, there will be less girls with heartaches and broken hearts. And I think, there are real-life Xiang Yu Pings out there, someone who will do anything to make the person he loves happy, someone who goes out of his way to take care and show the person he loves how much he is willing to do and sacrifice for her. I love how he finds a way to be there for Yang Guo, especially during that time when Yang Guo was already Ze Khong's girlfriend. And the little things that he did for Yang Guo were so cute. Here are a few of those:

1. Yu Ping buys candies every time he passes by a store because he knows very well how much Yang Guo likes candies. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to give them to Yang Guo because she was already with Ze Khong at that time so he kept them in a red cabinet. Yu Fei, Yu Ping's niece, tells Yang Guo about this and when Yang Guo gets the chance to check, she was really surprised by what she saw -- a big cabinet full of candies.

Candy scene

2. When Ze Khong tells Yang Guo that he wants to date her, Yang Guo is still doubtful about it. She confesses to Yu Ping that it's like she's in a dream. Then they had a really great conversation where Yu Ping tells Yang Guo why people would want to love her forever. He had his chance of telling Yang Guo about his feelings but because he doesn't want to jeopardize his friendship with Ke Zhong so he hold himself back.

3. In episode 8, Yu Ping teaches Yang Guo how to wear high heels properly. This episode also contains the most heartbreaking scene of Yu Ping wherein he accepts his defeat over Ke Zhong. He cries is heart out in this episode and it also literally broke my heart because I felt his emotions. I know the feeling of giving up someone you love so much because you see that he's happy but you are torn inside because that person is the only one that's there in the world and nobody can replace him/her. You can watch it at

4. In episode 13, Yang Guo finds out about Ze Khong and Hui Fan's plans and gets heartbroken. The great part about this: Yu Ping comes to the rescue. He finds Yang Guo looking for her magic ball in the mountains and organizes a search operation to find it. She then brings Yang Guo to a very scenic place and lets her cry her heart out. Yu Ping then finds a way to make her happy by bringing her to the places where she wants to eat. You can watch Episode 13 at

5. The most kilig scene of all, next to the proposal, is the kissing scene. <3 In this episode, Yu Ping follows Yang Guo with her date with Ze Khong. It was an act they had to put up because Ze Khong hasn't told his mother about their breakup yet. But Yang Guo's father calls Yu Ping and tells him where they were. Yang Guo gets mad at him but when when Yu Ping kisses her and tells her why he did that, she was appeased. Watch it at

Actually, I want to post the whole drama here if I can because all the episodes are really must watch scenes. This is a really nice feel-good drama, too ideal but very fun and interesting to watch nonetheless.


RATING: 5 out of 5 stars!!! :)

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